Articles Tagged with TIC Agreement

Underwood-Blog-Images-1-1-300x300A “TIC” Agreement is a contractual agreement between tenants in common to real property. Because each tenant in common is a co-owner of the property, these agreements can help spell out the rights of each, preventing future disputes over payment or occupation. And, if the dispute cannot be prevented, the agreement, acting as a binding contract, provides a clear guideline for a judge to use in a court action, ensuring that the lawsuit moves along as quickly as possible. 

That being said, an imperfect TIC agreement can wind up doing more harm than good in certain situations. If it fails to include a partition waiver, for example, one co-owner can actually attempt to force a sale of the entire property outright. 

As such, it is important for any prospective co-owner of real property to choose the right attorney for the job. At Underwood Law Firm, our attorneys are well-versed in the law of co-ownership, and we know the best ways to tackle the disputes that accompany it. Our team has the legal acumen and skills necessary to help you achieve your ownership goals.  

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