Articles Tagged with rental property

3172023-300x300Generally, a bankruptcy proceeding acts as a stay on the collection of debt as well as any acts needed to be taken to enforce a debt. The rules regarding partition actions in bankruptcy proceedings are codified in the Code of Civil Procedure section 715.050. Typically, whether a partition action is exempt from a bankruptcy proceeding depends on when the bankruptcy proceeding was initiated. Therefore, a bankruptcy proceeding will not necessarily prevent a person from recovering possession of premises for which they have the right to recover possession. 

If a writ of possession was not yet obtained prior to the filing of a bankruptcy proceeding, then a tenant may be able to stop the execution of a writ of possession initially by initiating a bankruptcy proceeding. Therefore, timing is an essential element in determining whether a partition action is exempt from a bankruptcy proceeding. At Underwood Law Firm, our attorneys are more than familiar with bankruptcy proceedings and their impact on partition actions. 

Code of Civil Procedure section 715.050 

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