Articles Tagged with partition lawyer

underwood-guide-necessary-parties-partition-action-300x300The purpose of this blog post is to discuss who must be named in a partition lawsuit. It is important to name all the necessary parties so that the Court can properly issue a judgment at the conclusion of the partition action. As partition lawsuits involve rights to property, it is pretty obvious that the owners of the property and the mortgage broker should be joined. But the question becomes more difficult as the interests become less connected, like easement holders or other persons who have liens against the individual owners. As such, this article aims to provide clarity on the process. 

What Does the Law Say?

Under Code of Civil Procedure section 872.510, the plaintiff must join as defendants all persons having or claiming interests in the estate, persons who are actually known to the plaintiff to have such interests, or persons who, from an inspection of the property, appear to have such interests. Sections 872.510 to 872.550 define “interest,” as situations, includes liens, and a “lien” means a mortgage, deed of trust, or other security interest in property whether arising from contract, statute, common law, or equity. According to the Legislative Committee Comment, under Section 872.510, only persons having interests in the estate or estates as to which partition is sought need to be joined. 

underwood-costs-of-partition-action-300x300In every lawsuit, one of the biggest consideration is the cost. Frequently, clients are very eager to understand the amount that they will be required to pay to have their case resolved. After all, most people do not have a pot of money set aside for lawsuits, and are forced to eat into their savings to pay for an attorney to help with their legal problems. Even when attorneys’ fees are available for reimbursement, as they are in a partition action, the question of costs is always a significant question. 

While an attorney can never predict the exact amount down to the dollar that a case will cost, they can and should share the factors that could influence the amount that the client may ultimately have to pay to get the case resolved. For example, in a partition action, there are common issues that arise that could change the cost of the matter. That said, a relatively vanilla partition action generally costs more or less between $10,000 to $30,000.  

Factors that Affect a Partition Action

More unmarried couples are purchasing houses together than ever, but there can be some dangerous legal implications if they decide to go their separate ways, an expert told Newsweek.

As companies institute return-to-office policies, many couples find themselves needing to live in different locations, complicating the home purchase and mortgage they signed on for.

Read More: Unmarried Couples Locked into Homes

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