Articles Tagged with estate of inheritance

532023-300x300For family members of a deceased loved one, the most important part of probate proceedings is the final distribution of the estate. This occurs once the estate’s debts and obligations have been satisfied, and it serves to more or less end the probate of the estate. 

But what if someone thinks they’re entitled to a share of the estate but was left out of the proceedings from the outset? This is where the petition to determine distribution rights comes into play. It’s a legal mechanism whereby omitted heirs or interested parties ask to court to be included in the final distribution. 

What is a Distribution in Probate? 

4122023-300x300An estate is categorized by the duration of time one holds an interest in the estate. For example, an estate acquired through inheritance is categorized differently from an estate for years. There are three different ways an estate can be categorized, which is codified in California Civil Code section 765. Essentially, section 765 categorizes an estate based on the character of the property. 

Under section 765, there are freehold estates, chattels real, and chattel interests. Depending on the character of the estate, a person holds different rights in the subject property. At the Underwood Law Firm, our attorneys are more than familiar with freehold estates, chattel real, and chattel interests. 

What is a Freehold Estate? 

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