Articles Tagged with real estate investment trust

4282023-300x300Partitions are lawsuits that split up the property between multiple co-owners so that each can take their equity out of the home. The prototypical partition is that between unmarried partners or business partners. Both own equal shares, but only one wants to end the relationship and take their money out. Partitions enable this to happen, usually ending with a court-ordered sale of the subject property.  

The presence of a trust changes this calculus. This is because a trustee typically holds the property for the benefit of another. (Estate of Yool (2007) 151 Cal.App.4th 867, 874.) As such, pursuing a partition becomes much more difficult to do, especially because partitions cannot be used to disrupt the purpose and provisions of an express irrevocable trust.

At the Underwood Law Firm, our attorneys are well-versed in these matters and familiar with the intricacies of the interactions between property law and probate procedures. The following are steps that every litigant should keep in mind before pursuing the partition of a property subject to a trust. 

3222023-300x300In California, a real estate investment trust is “any unincorporated association or trust formed to engage in business and managed by, or under the direction of, one or more trustees for the benefit of the holders or owners of transferable shares of beneficial interest in the trust estate and (1) that formed for the purpose of engaging in business as a real estate investment trust under the Federal Internal Revenue Code, (2) the sale of the shares of which has been qualified at any time by the Commissioner of Business Oversight pursuant to the Corporate Securities Law of 1968, and (3) that in good faith has commenced business as a real estate investment trust.” (Cal. Corp. Code § 23000(a)-(b).) 

The Real Estate Investment Trust originated in 1960 with the Real Estate Investment Trust Act. Generally, the real estate investment trust allows individual investors to invest in large-scale commercial real estate projects. However, there are certain requirements that the law imposes for a real estate investment trust to be valid. 

There are four different categories of requirements for a real estate investment trust imposed by the law; (1) organizational requirements; (2) asset requirements; (3) income requirements; and (4) distribution requirements.  At the Underwood Law Firm, our attorneys are more than familiar with real estate investment trusts and the requirements that need to be fulfilled to have a real estate investment trust. 

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