Articles Tagged with guardians and conservators

Underwood-Blog-Images-3-1-300x300Yes, but only in specific circumstances. When thinking of lawsuits, most people associate them with individuals. John may sue Mary for battery, for example. But this isn’t always the case. A large part of the law is devoted to virtual representation because some people, like minors, simply cannot file suit. 

This is where guardians and conservators come into play. These are officers that can be appointed or approved by the court and whose sole responsibility is the management of a person or thing on their behalf. Commonly, we associate conservators with property and guardians with people, but the differences are, in actuality, quite minute. 

Partitions are lawsuits that seek to divide up the shared equity in a property. But what happens when one of the owners is a minor or so elderly that they cannot manage the property on their own? At Underwood Law Firm, we have the answers. Our attorneys are more than familiar with partitions and the complexities such lawsuits can entail, particularly when conservatorships or trusts are involved. With our attorneys at your side, you can be sure that we will best assist you in achieving your litigation objectives. 

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